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International Type Approval and Safety Approval

Niger Regulatory Approval Overview

Radio type approval in Niger


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Niger is located in West Africa. It's a landlocked country that's bordered by Algeria, Libya, Chad, Nigeria, Benin, Mali, and Burkina Faso. 

​The current population is 27,533,688.

​Niger has 11 national languages, with French being the official language and Hausa the most spoken language.

Custom Solutions For Your Needs

Compliance Specialty International Associatess

Regulatory Updates For Niger

Compliance Specialty International Associates

​CSIA can provide supporting services should your company not be able to meet

country specific requirements such as a local representative, local certificate holder, translating documents into the native language, etc.

Contact  one of our friendly associates today, they are happy to assist you!

CSIA also offers FCC CertificationsCE CertificationsISED Canada.

Contact CSIA at (503) 482 9289 or

The Autorité de Régulation Multisectorielle (ARM) is the regulatory authority in Niger responsible for overseeing several sectors, particularly in areas like telecommunications, energy, and possibly other sectors critical to the country's economic infrastructure. ARM's main role is to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, promote fair competition, and protect consumer interests. When it comes to approval, it typically refers to the authorization or licensing process that businesses, operators, or service providers must go through before starting operations in certain sectors.

For example, in telecommunications or energy, companies must obtain approval from ARM before they can offer services. This ensures that the service providers meet the required standards, including technical, financial, and legal criteria, in order to operate legally within the country.

In short, ARM approval is a form of regulatory permission or certification granted to entities in various sectors in Niger to ensure their operations align with national laws and regulations.

  • Type approval in Niger requires acceptable CE reports.
  • 1 normal sample for functional testing required.
  • Lead time is approximately 6-8 weeks from the time all documents have been collected.
  • Certificate is valid for 10 years.

Niger ARM label requirements:

While there are no specific label requirements, it is suggested that you use the CE Mark label guidelines.

September 2023

The Military junta government in Niger, represented by the Conseil National pour la Sauvegarde de la Patrie (CNSP), has suspended the President and the General Manager of ARCEP Niger on August 28th, 2023.

New appointments are expected soon. Until then type approval process is stopped in the country and no certificate have been released since yet.

Moreover, since the coup d'état in July 2023, NIGER is under political, economic and financial sanctions from the regional west African countries ECOWAS. These sanctions are affecting ongoing applications.

Our dedicated team is diligently monitoring the situation and will keep you informed of any updates and developments as they unfold." 

June 2023

The Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et de la Poste (ARCEP) has published a new version of the regulation concerning the type approval procedure for telecommunication equipment.

61535 SW Hwy 97

Suite 5635

Bend, Oregon 97702

503 482 9289

Frequencies allowed in Niger:

900 MHz is allowed in Nigeria and is actively used by mobile network operators like MTN, as part of their GSM network frequencies.

Contact CSIA for more information.
