US Commercial Services Provider

International Type Approval and Safety Approval

Compliance Specialty International Associates

Brunei AITI label requirements:

​As of 2021, there are no longer label or marking requirements for this country.
FCC/CE marking is recommended.  

Brunei is located  in Southeast Asia on the northern coast of Borneo

The current population as of 2024 is 462,721.

​Although Standard Malay (msa) is the official language of Brunei, the Brunei Malay variety (kxd) is more widely spoken

Regulatory Updates for Brunei

Homologation from AITI in Brunei
Type approval in Brunei
AITI type approval, Brunei



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61535 SW Hwy 97

Suite 5635

Bend, Oregon 97702

503 482 9289

Radio approval in Brunei with CSIA

Brunei Regulatory Approval Overview

Compliance Specialty International Associatess

For Information on FCC Certifications, CE Mark or International Approvals

Contact CSIA: (503) 482 9289 or e-mail us at

​CSIA can provide supporting services should your company not be able to meet

country specific requirements such as a local representative, local certificate holder,

translating documents into the native language, etc.

Contact  one of our friendly associates today, they are happy to assist you!

CSIA also offers FCC CertificationsCE CertificationsISED Canada.

Contact CSIA at (503) 482 9289 or

Type approval in Brunei

​​AITI approval in Brunei refers to the Authority for Info-Communications Technology Industry (AITI), which is the government body responsible for regulating and promoting the development of the information and communications technology (ICT) sector in Brunei. It is involved in various aspects of the digital and telecommunications landscape, including licensing, spectrum management, and policy formulation.

AITI approval typically involves regulatory approval or certification related to telecommunications, broadcasting, or ICT-related services and products within Brunei. Here are some areas where AITI approval may be required:

Licensing for ICT Services: Companies providing telecommunications, internet, broadcasting, or other ICT-related services may need to obtain licenses from AITI to operate legally within the country.

Product and Equipment Certification: Certain ICT products (e.g., telecommunications equipment, radio devices, etc.) may need to be approved by AITI before they can be sold or used in Brunei. This ensures that products meet the required technical and safety standards.

Spectrum Allocation and Frequency Approval: For radio frequency use, businesses or organizations may need to seek AITI approval to ensure that they comply with national regulations for spectrum usage.

Compliance with Digital Regulations: Businesses involved in digital services or platforms

may require AITI approval to ensure compliance with Brunei's ICT laws, including data

privacy, cybersecurity, and electronic transactions.

Foreign Investment in ICT Sector: In some cases, foreign companies wishing to invest in

the ICT sector in Brunei may need AITI's approval to ensure the investment aligns with

national policies and regulations.

  • AITI type approval in Brunei requires acceptable CE reports.
  • Local Dealer Information required. 
  • Lead time is approximately 4-6 weeks from the time all documents have been collected.
  • The AITI certificate is valid for 5 years.

August 2024
Mobile prepaid SIM cards
AITI requires re-registration of mobile prepaid SIM cards to strengthen security measures against scams and unlawful activities. The re-registration process begins on January 2, 2025 for subscribers of Progresif and Imagine, and on November 1, 2024 for DST subscribers

July 2023

OTT Regulation: Brunei, like many other countries, has been grappling with how to regulate OTT services (e.g., WhatsApp, Netflix, etc.). These platforms operate outside the traditional telecom regulatory framework, and AITI may continue to examine ways to integrate such services into the overall regulatory landscape, particularly as they relate to consumer rights and taxation.

Type approval in Brunei with CSIA

Frequencies allowed in Brunei:

​​866 – 869 MHz

920 – 925 MHz

≤ 500 mW (e.r.p.)

2.4 GHz

5150 ~ 5250 MHz
5250 ~ 5350 MHz
5470 ~ 5725 MHz

5725 ~ 5850 MHz

Contact CSIA for a more detailed list of frequencies allowed in Brunei.