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International Type Approval and Safety Approval

Frequencies allowed in Japan:

The 900 MHz spectrum is reserved for Japanese emergency services.

​Foreign-made products that use the 900 MHz spectrum can illegally disrupt emergency communications, which could be life-threatening.

Both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies are allowed in Japan.
Wi-Fi 6E

Japan has opened up the 6 GHz band for use, which includes Wi-Fi 6E. This can help avoid Wi-Fi problems with the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands.

Compliance Specialty International Associates
PSE approval in Japan

​CSIA can provide supporting services should your company not be able to meet

country specific requirements such as a local representative, local certificate holder, translating documents into the native language, etc.

Contact  one of our friendly associates today, they are happy to assist you!

CSIA also offers FCC CertificationsCE CertificationsISED Canada.

Contact CSIA at (503) 482 9289 or

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Japan Regulatory Approval Overview

April 2024
Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications announces the ​Partial amendment of Ordinance Enforcement of the Radio Act, Ordinance Regulating Radio Equipment and Ordinance on Technical Regulations Conformity Certification of Specified Radio Equipment to change technical requirements for mobile telecommunications and BWA radio equipment for LTE/NR.
March 2024
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) in Japan published a Guideline for Utilization of the US and European Standards Test Data for 2.4 GHz Band Wireless LAN and Similar Technologies on November 30, 2023.

December 2023
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has issued a ministerial ordinance and a ministerial notification to partially update some radio regulations on technical standards and test methods for equipment implementing 2,4 GHz band wireless LAN and Bluetooth technologies.

September 2022
Japan has recently announced some new certification methods and requirements.  These are meant to update the certification standards and related requirements.  Below are the recent updates:

 - Wifi 6E
    6GHz Wifi band (IEEE802.11ax indoors and outdoors) Certification has officially started. (Sept. 13)
    Certification category: 2-1-79 (VLP) and 2-1-80 (LPI)
    TELEC test method is TELEC-T408
- Wifi W52
    5.2GHz Wifi band "onboard vehicle" certification has officially started. (Sept. 13)
    Certification category: 2-1-78
    TELEC test method is TELEC-T403
    EIRP < 10mW
- 920MHz (802.11ah/Wifi HaLow)
    920MHz unlicensed low power Certification has officially started. (Sept. 5)
    Certification category: 2-1-8
    TELEC test method is TELEC-T245
    OBW increased to 20ch:4MHz max. (formerly 5ch:1MHz)
- Wi-SUN
   We now offers Wi-SUN (FAN, B route, Etc.) testing and certification support.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) in Japan published the “Ministerial Ordinance Partially Revising the Regulations for the Enforcement of the Radio Law (2020 MIC Ordinance No. 59)” on September 2, 2022, revising the system introducing the 6 GHz Band (5925-6425 MHz) for WLAN and the 5.2 GHz band for WLAN in automobiles. As a result of this revision, Wi-Fi 6E is now able to be used in Japan.

December 2021
The Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) issued Ordinance No. 87. According to the new update, Radio Law Enforcement Regulations, Radio Equipment Regulations,Technical Regulations Conformity Certification of Specified Radio Equipment documents have been partly revised.

September 2021
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) announced the approval of the "Guidelines for introducing local 5G, etc. at manufacturing sites". Contact CSIA for advice on how to use these new guidelines.

July 2021
There are several changes being discussed in Japan to their regulations. 

Radio devices certified under the previous spurious emissions rules (prior to 2007) will be prohibited after November 30, 2022 and must be replaced by devices certified under the new spurious rules enforced (implemented) in 2005.  Please note that due to the COVID-19 situation, this deadline has been officially extended “for the time being” and “as long as their use do not alter the operations of other radio stations”.  If a review of a previously certified product is required, that service can be provided by CSIA’ using one of our test lab partners or our lab in Japan.

IEEE802.11ah (Wi-Fi HaLow) is to be implemented in the 920MHz band.  (The proposal to implement this technology is currently being discussed within a dedicated workgroup, and it is with an expected enforcement sometime in 2022)

Until now, vehicles (cars, trucks, etc.) environment was considered “outdoors” in the Japan regulations.  Due to that consideration, the use of low-power unlicensed W52 (5.2GHz) band was forbidden.  Allowing the use of W52 in vehicles is currently being discussed and should be implemented sometime in 2022.

Right now since most of these changes are still in the “workgroup” (committee) stage, there isn’t much detail yet but we should have more definitive information soon.

July 2019
Japan  releases Ordinance No. 27. (Proposal of Amendment to Ministerial Ordinance Made)
On July 11th, 2019, the Japanese Regulator, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), released Ordinance No. 27, an amendment to part of the Radio Law Enforcement Regulations.
The amendments include a revision of the technical conditions to allow for IEEE 802.11ax and the addition of channel 144 (5710 MHz).

These amendments were made in an effort to introduce next generation WLAN – IEEE 802.11ax.
If manufacturers would like to add support for 802.11ax to existing certifications, manufacturers may be able to retain the certification ID if the function is added using a software update.
In addition, MIC is proposing an amendment to the ministerial ordinance to enable the use of 5G effective December 2019.
Amendments have been made to the Regulations for Enforcement of the Radio Act and the Regulations for Radio Equipment Concerning Technical Regulations Conformity Certification of Specified Radio Equipment.


Type approval in Japan Overview

Type approvals in Japan are overseen by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC).

Radio equipment used in Japan are required to obtain type approval. These wireless products would fall under the RF approval scheme.

Note that these approvals are no longer issued only by TELEC but can also be issued by authorized private certifications bodies or CABs. Testing can also be performed outside Japan by authorized test labs however those reports would need to be submitted to an

authorized CAB in Japan for review and translation to Japanese.

Telecommunications terminal equipment is also required to obtain a type approval in

Japan. These terminal equipment products would fall require Telecom approval.
As with RF approvals under TELEC the Telecom certifications are no longer issued by

JATE alone as they can also be issued by authorized private certifications bodies or

CABs. As with RF approvals testing can also be performed outside Japan by authorized

test labs however those reports would need to be submitted to an authorized CAB in

Japan for review and translation to Japanese.

Note for those who have heard the terms TELEC and JATE approval they are now called RF and Telecom approval.

RF (Formerly called TELEC)  
Telecom (Formerly called JATE)

JATE used to be the government authorized organization that was the only certification body for telecom, which is why many people still say JATE Approval. TELEC is also the same but for Radio.

Now the certificates are issued by authorized CABS as stated above.

  • For RF or Telecom approval 1 sample is required for in country testing, including all cables, adapters, software, etc. to put the equipment into test modes. 
  • Lead time is approximately 4-6 weeks from the time all documents and samples have been collected.
  • The certificate is valid indefinitely.

VCCI mark is another approval available in Japan. The VCCI Mark is typically obtain by the manufacturer directly using the VCCI website. While this is a voluntary approvals most companies selling their products in Japan choose to obtain this mark. Many in Japan feel that the consumer will look for this mark on the products they buy to assure them that quality standards have been met.

To review:

  • RF approvals are for products that use radio frequency. It does not matter if they are connected to the Public Network or not.

  • Telecom approvals that are directly or indirectly connected to the Public Network. Example of indirect would be a car radio with hands free BT where the BT connects to the cell phone that connects to the network. In this case the car radio would need RF and Telecom approval.

  • For a product with Ethernet connections, a Telecom certification would be for the Ethernet interfaces only if it can connect to public Ethernet services such as cable TV networks.

  • If the Ethernet ports can only connect to local LANs, or to the network behind a certified router/gateway, it doesn't require Telecom certification.

  • GSM is no longer allowed in Japan.

  • For IP phones have a new scheme as of 2012 and do require approval. Radios used on foreign military bases such as a radio used on a US military base in Japan For foreign devices used by non-Japanese citizens on an US military base in Japan, the radio law does not apply, and the administration of the base should have some kind of agreement with the local bureau of telecommunications.

Safety approvals in Japan

PSE approval in Japan refers to the certification required for electrical and electronic products to

ensure they meet safety standards set by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).

PSE stands for "Product Safety of Electrical Appliance and Material."

The PSE mark indicates that a product has been tested and complies with the Electrical Appliance

and Material Safety Law (Denan Law). There are two types of PSE marks:

  • General PSE Mark: For products that meet the specified safety standards but are not considered high-risk.
  • Specific PSE Mark: For high-risk products that require more stringent testing and certification.

Manufacturers and importers must obtain PSE approval before selling their products in Japan, ensuring consumer safety and regulatory compliance.

  • For PSE approval in Japan they require acceptable CB or UL reports.
  • 1 sample required for in country testing, including all cables, adapters, software, etc. to put the equipment into test modes.
  • Lead time is approximately 4-6 weeks from the time all document have been collected.
  • ​The certificate is valid for 3-7 years.

Japan MIC RF and TELEC label requirement.

Regulatory Updates For Japan

PSE approval Japan, VCCI approval Japan

The PSE mark is a symbol that indicates electrical products sold in Japan meet safety and EMI requirements. There are two types of PSE marks:

  • Diamond PSE mark: Required for Category A products, which are products that are likely to cause injury or have a history of accidents.
  • Circle PSE mark: Required for Category B products, which are low-risk products. 

The PSE mark must be affixed to the product in a way that it won't easily disappear. The label must also include the following information:

Name of the notifying supplier
Name of the registered conformity assessment body
Items specified in the Ministerial Order to Provide Technical Standards for Electrical Appliances and Materials

Type Approval in Japan
Compliance Specialty International Associatess

Japan is located in East Asia, off the northeast coast of the Asian mainland.

​The population of Japan as of 2024 is 123,537,141.

​The official language is Japanese, and is the only language spoken by the vast majority of the population.


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Type Approval in Japan
Japan RF approval, Telecom approval

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